About Marie Tuil

Steht gern früh auf – kann aber abends vor Sorge gar nicht erst einschlafen, wenn Kaffee oder Milch für den nächsten Morgen fehlen. Ist für Kommunikation und Kreatives zuständig. Baut in ihrer Freizeit gerne Möbel aus Dingen, die eigentlich für etwas anderes gedacht sind. So ist zum Beispiel das Kaffeemobil entstanden.

Sustainable Gifts: 10 Ideas

Sustainable Gifts: 10 Ideas 🌱 Birthdays and Christmas are amazing. That’s for sure. But if you’re are just a bit like me, inspiration for gifts is always welcome 😅 For you I’m digging up memories: What wonderful presents crossed my way in the last years? My personal top ten: Sustainable!  🌍 [...]

By |2020-11-08T12:20:01+01:00November 3rd, 2020|No category|0 Comments

Schoolmeals for the coffee farmers’ kids

We just reached our third goal: Thanks to you we fully funded our school meal project. We already implemented the project during the coffee harvest time in November 2016. And these are the results! Why school meals? Because we want to nudge the children to school! When we first met Wendmage Guta, the director of [...]

By |2017-10-10T23:01:49+02:00February 8th, 2017|Social Projects, Sustainability|0 Comments

The tenthousand coffees of Ethiopia

„Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee“. That's what you will hear at least once a day when travelling through the coffee regions of Ethiopia. And it's true, Ethiopia is where the arabica coffee tree originates and where it still grows wild. It is also the country with the highest number of arabica varieties in the world. Even [...]

By |2017-10-10T23:01:52+02:00June 30th, 2016|Coffee Knowledge|0 Comments


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